Christians…Who are followers of The Messiah, die every day.
They drop like flies from diseases that Kosher Jews never get. Why??


Nutrition is a vast field. There are truckloads of books on the subject. Read them if you like. What you're about to read here are the facts that the popular books will not tell you.

Unclean Food

By this I don't mean food that has dirt in it. I'm referring to food that simply wasn't designed to be processed by the human digestive system, primarily certain types of meats.

Yuk, you're thinking, a "veggie". Wrong. There are clean meats and unclean meats. Clean meats are those that come from herbivorous mammals that divide the hoof and chew a cud. In seafood, clean meats are those that have fins and scales. Clean and unclean food is a study in itself. E.g., turkey and chicken are clean, ostrich and vulture are unclean.

In mammals, unclean meats are the scavengers, or predators. I.e., you're eating second-hand garbage. Pork is perhaps the worst. In addition to what a pig will eat--in our Civil War, pigs chewing on dead and wounded soldiers was a real problem--pigs carry the trichinosis worm and its meat is extremely greasy. This grease coats your digestive organs.

The problem with grease coating your digestive organs is this: protein is a large molecule. An intestine coated with grease (fat) will allow a small molecule to pass into the bloodstream. The large molecules are kept out.

Fish that have fins and scales, are OK to eat, they have a filtering mechanism to keep impurities out of the meat.

Those that don't have fins and scales don't have this filtering mechanism. Going one step further, lobster and shrimp are the cockroaches of the oceans. Without them, there'd be miles of muck on the ocean floor.

Never heard any of this before? It's in one of the most published books on earth. Most people have a copy, or easy access to one. Few ever read or apply it. It's the Bible. The clean and unclean food descriptions (but not the scientific reasoning) are found in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14. Try it for 60 days and see for yourself.

Soda and Beer

Obviously, some of our newly created foods are not in the Torah, but common sense and science show us the problems here.

The carbon dioxide in carbonated beverages is the same substance that your lungs exhale. The oxygen you breathe in is diatomic oxygen (two oxygen atoms bonded to each other). That oxygen then gets into the bloodstream, picks up waste, and exits the body as carbon dioxide. Carbonation is a waste product. You might as well drink urine.

Further, carbon dioxide immediately halts protein digestion. Prove it to yourself. Eat a steak with a carbonated beverage. You'll notice the next morning that the meat is not digested, it lays there in your stomach. Now do it again a few days later, substituting orange juice for the carbonated drink. You'll feel the truth of this the next morning.

Pasteurized Milk

Much has been written about the advantages of raw milk over cooked (pasteurized) milk, how cooking destroys enzymes, vitamins, etc.

What I haven't seen addressed is the problem with plastic milk containers. The formaldehyde in the plastic leaches into the milk and you ingest it when you drink the milk.

Formaldehyde is also known as embalming fluid. Undertakers use it to preserve dead bodies. If you think this stuff just passes through your body, think again. A lot of undertakers these days will tell you that when they embalm people today who died in their 20's and 30's, they need to use only half the usual amount of embalming fluid that they use on older folks.

The plastic milk container manufacturers have supplied the difference.

Does Anybody REALLY Need Milk Anyway?

The use of dairy products by humans is unique in the animal kingdom -- man never seems to wean himself from the milk habit. We've all heard the logic that the milk of each species is adapted for the young of that species, based on growth rate, size, etc.

No wonder humans who drink cows milk experience excessive secretions of mucus and urine, constipation, diarrhea, bowel impaction, nausea, gas, increased blood pressure, edema, and countless other digestive and respiratory problems.

The average American drinks 25 gallons of cows' milk per year.

One cup of human breast milk contains 80 mgs of calcium. One cup of cows milk contains 288 mgs of calcium.

The world screams about the cruel conditions brought on cattle, especially dairy cows, and the drugs, chemicals, hormones, and "feed" that is fed to them. How could anyone in this day and age entertain the notion that the milk products they are using could promote health?

The Leukemia Link

In the early 1980's, the USDA reported 40% to 80% of the milk cows in America tested positive for leukemia. Today statistics reveal that 70% HAVE leukemia -- worldwide not just America!

At about the same time, a group in California conducted an independent study. Cartons of milk were purchased at various grocery stores. These milk cartons were taken from the shelves just as any family member would when shopping. The products were not past the pull date. These cartons of milk were taken to an independent lab and tests were done. They found that 80% of the milk cartons contained live leukemia virus. Pasteurization does not kill it! 

Baby, Drink Your Milk?

Leukemia is now the #1 killer of children in United States. Children by far drink more milk than adults, and they're getting started earlier with each generation.

From the very beginning, and through their formative years, children are being bombarded with an increasing amount of power-hormones, chemicals and disease.

Milk has been linked to:

·         Anemia

·         Atherosclerosis

·         Bovine leukemia, worldwide. First discovered in Europe in early 1900's. Now 17 out of 24 cows tested have leukemia: that's 71% worldwide. 60% of dairy cows now have leukemia.

·         Coronary Artery occlusion

·         Diabetes

·         Lou Gehrigs disease

(amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)

·         Heart attacks

·         High blood pressure

·         Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Most cases show dramatic improvement after milk was removed from diet.

·         Leukemia

·         Multiple sclerosis

·         Myocardia infarction

·         Stroke

·         Tooth decay (especially in babies), plaque build up, gum disease

·         Skin rashes/diseases (acne, eczema, hives)

·         Respiratory (asthma, bronchitis, hay fever, nasal congestion, etc.)

·         Gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea, gas, etc.)

·         Allergies too numerous to list


Refined sugar depletes B vitamins. B vitamins are your growth vitamins. Sugar also interferes with the gastrointestinal tract, causes baldness, makes the body a better place for parasites to thrive in, and brings numerous other deleterious circumstances to the body. Some years back William Duffy wrote a book titled Sugar Blues that explains all this and more in fascinating detail. Most health food stores carry it.

And read the label when you buy the high-protein food bars in the health food stores. Many contain sugar and lots of them are chocolate covered. Why be concerned?

If refined sugar had been discovered in this century, it would by a controlled substance, just like heroin or cocaine. Sugar is highly addictive. Food processors add it to the processed foods (often labeled as glucose, corn syrup, etc.) in order to addict you to their product. Read the labels on the packages and weep.

Remember when Surgeon General Everett Koop stated that tobacco was a harder habit to break than heroin? He was half right. All tobacco in America is sugar-cured. That's the habit people are trying to break--not tar and nicotine.

White Flour

This is a tricky subject. A lot of us just can't quit eating white flour products and live happily ever after. White flour is far more dangerous than anyone imagines.

The standard wisdom is that the digestive system of adult American males begins to degenerate in his early 40's. "Degenerate" in this context means the digestive system begins to lose its ability to digest food and convert it to energy, muscle tissue, etc. By the age of 70, the digestive system plainly cannot fulfill its function. A 70 year old man ingests food but his digestive system fails to process it properly in any way, shape, or form. In essence, the person whose digestive system isn't working properly is starved to death.

Let's back up. Almost all of you were raised on white flour products--white bread and rolls, pasta products, doughnuts [an especially effective combination of white flour, sugar, and stale fat], pizza dough, pastries, and the like. Here's where the difference comes in.

Your digestive system consists of more than just the stomach. "Chew your food slowly", saliva begins to digest food in you mouth, etc., need not be repeated here.

We all know the function of the stomach.

Some of you know that many digestive processes occur in the small intestines.

If you're one of the few who understand the functions of the large intestine, or colon, congratulations. You won't need the crude analogy I'm about to use to illustrate my point.

White flour, processed and at least partially undigestible, has encrusted itself all your life on the walls of your colon [as it has most of us over the age of 30], here's what happens.

Processed white flour, denuded of the food elements that aid in digestion, glues itself to the walls of your colon. This encrustation builds and builds over the years. The colon ceases to function as designed and becomes, essentially, a sewer pipe with a progressively restricted passage.

First, the colon secrets mucus. If this mucus can't be secreted into the colon itself, it backs up--just like a sewer. The toxins [poisons] that would normally be carried out with the feces back up into the body and get back in the bloodstream. If you're one of those who keep succumbing to pulled muscles, minor injuries, and the like, that's a very good indication that your problem is your plugged-up colon.

Second, when the body runs short of water, it pulls what it needs from the colon. The plaster-like coating in your colon, caused by undigested food staying behind, is a known breeding-ground for some of the 500 different types of bacteria and 200 different types of parasites known to inhabit the human colon. As your body pulls needed water from the colon, these bacteria and parasites can come along for the ride. One of these bacteria is candida (or yeast). It can multiply so extensively that the water from a colonic irrigation is recognizably yellow, there is so much candida.

Colonic irrigation is how you solve this problem. This is not to be confused with an enema. It take 15 enemas to accomplish what one colonic irrigation accomplishes. Colonic irrigation soaks the plaster-like coating of undigested food off the wall of the colon and removes it from your body.

As stated, the B vitamins are the growth vitamins. What you may not be aware of is that the "good bacteria" in your colon synthesizes vitamin B1 (thiamine), B6 (niacin), B12 (cobalumin), and vitamin K.

Got any idea how these particular B vitamins are supposed to get into your bloodstream when the walls of your colon are plastered with 15 year old feces.

As an interesting aside, the average adult male in America has between 8 and 35 pounds of undigested food in his colon. Notice all the "beer guts" on so many of our middle-aged men?

A word of caution before you run out to solve the problem this way. Find someone who has experience with colonic irrigation and who uses the finest equipment--disposable tubing, filtered water, etc. People have been killed at the hands of amateurs.

If you're in your 20s, you might not need many colonics. If you're in your 40's, it's virtually certain that you need colonics.

Excerps from  Mike Brown Solutions

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