Dumitru Duduman
The Black Planes- November 22, 1995 -
It was as if, I was in Israel. A tall man came, took me by the hand, and said, "Come, let me show you the Holy City." When we reached the Holy City, all of it was covered in a black netting, from top to bottom. On top, at it's peak, the city had a black flag.
After seeing these things, I asked the man that was with me, "What does this mean? "
"Look up, and you will see the meaning," he said. When I looked up, I saw a black emblem, on which there was gold writing. It said, "Israel! You dishonor Me and you mock Me. You trust in the powers of men. Because you will not return unto Me, I have this against you, and I will punish you with great fury. This is also to purify some who want to call upon me with a clean heart. The shame and blasphemy that they have caused has reached heaven."
After I read these things, the man standing beside me said, "Let us leave this place, or we will be caught in the wrath." It seemed I was suddenly on an American plane, which was about to land with me in California. When I was about to disembark, I heard sirens which howled loudly, and a great sound of many plane engines was heard. The man with me said, "The punishment draws closer. Look closely and read."
When I looked up, I saw a written scroll appear before my eyes. The writing was in Romanian. It said, "American people; those of you who have dishonored and mocked me; you who have brought hatred and blasphemy against My name throughout the world; for these things My vengeance draws closer. As for My children, those who have worshiped Me with all their hearts, I will fight before them and I will give them victory and safety. I will separate those who have worshiped Me from those who have not, as I separated Goshen and Egypt." I tried to read it one more time, but I could not. The writing had gathered into the scroll.
The noise of the engines grew even louder. The man beside me turned to me and said, "These are planes loaded with atom bombs, and no one, and nothing will be able to stop them." Then, suddenly, a great number of black planes lifted off the ground like a flock of birds. I knew the planes were American, but I had no knowledge of what their purpose was or what they were supposed to do. Then the written scroll was thrown before me. I stepped closer to pick it up, but when I drew near, I saw that it burned with a blue flame. The flame began to climb into the sky. As I was looking at the flame, I heard a voice coming from it saying, "My Word is righteous. I am the Christ who has brought this news to you. Do not be quiet. Tell the American people all that I have told you, and all that I have revealed to you ahead of time; for the destruction which is coming over them I did not allow to come unannounced . The punishment is even at the door."
The man beside me spoke again, "Look up. " When I looked I could not see the sky because there were so many planes. Then the man said to me. "Thank the Lord for what He has shown you." Then, I began to pray and thank God.
While I was praying I heard a prophecy for myself. "Get ready, and sanctify yourself, you and yours, that you and yours may not take part in the trials that are ahead. This is why I have shown you these things. I have shown you what is to come in a short while. All that you have seen is at the door, because the sin and wickedness have reached the throne of God's mercy." Then there was great lightening and thunder. I fell to the ground and was awakened from my sleep.