Dumitru Duduman
July 14,1932 - May 5, 1997from:
http://www.handofhelp.comDumitru and his wife Maria are from Northern Romania and lived on a small farm close to the Soviet border. He pastored a small country church near their farm. Over an 18 year period he delivered hundreds of thousands of Bibles and aids to the Soviet Union.
(God miraculously protected him 100s of times.)
In 1980 Dumitru delivered over 100,000 New Testaments which were used extensively at the Moscow Olympics. In August of 1980 Dumitru was arrested, imprisoned and interrogated for five months. He was beaten almost every day and repeatedly shocked in an electric chair. Arrest and interrogation became a continuous way of life for Dumitru. In 1983 he was hung by his waist and beaten on three different occasions. He suffered nine broken ribs and today has deformities on his rib cage.
Finally, the authorities gave Dumitru three choices; a mental hospital, prison... or expulsion to the United States. The choice was hard for Dumitru because of his loyalty to his homeland, but he felt his first loyalty was to God. They packed their clothes and most prized possessions, but the officials refused to let them take anything, so they left their homeland and friends empty-handed. God had a reason for bringing Dumitru to this country and has given him a message for America. The message is hard and many people will be unable to receive it, but the Lord has promised a victory to those who will listen.
Throughout Dumitru's life, God has clearly kept His hand on him. The Lord's protection has carried him through persecutions that should have left him dead. Without God's divine intervention, Dumitru would not be here today. He is a living example of God's promise of protection to those who will put their trust in the Lord. As the Bible promises, Dumitru Duduman has truly Walked Through the Fire Wfthout Burning. (Isaiah 43:2)